
Web Design
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Brand Design


Date:2013-10-17 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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Marketing type website construction title is very important for your website, why do you say that? Because the search engine users will use the keyword or keywords to search, if your site title is very clear, it will help in the search list on your site, this shows the importance of title.

很多网站的站长经常烦恼网站的标题该怎样写,😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国今天就给大家讲讲书写网站标题的技巧。
Many website owners often worry site title, how to write, luxuries China today will give you about writing site title skills.

1.网站的标题需明确,是最能体现此网站的。😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国看到大部分的站长们都会选择关键词做网站的标题,这个选择也是可以的。
The title of the website to be defined, is most can manifest this site. Chinese luxuries to see most of the webmaster can select key words do title, this choice can be.

Try not to add additional descriptions at the site of the article page in title, you do will distract the user.

The title of the site to use the user is familiar with the description, don't write too esoteric terminology, but the focus is not keyword stuffing.

If your site is well known by users, so you can put the site's name into the title, the purpose of doing so is to increase the user's click rate using the brand effect.

5.网站的标题当然是有吸引力的好,可以吸引用户的注意力,给用户留下很深的印象,长此以往形成品牌效应。其实😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国网站建设觉得这样写网站的标题也是不错的,而且很多公司都是这样写的:品牌-关键字①-关键字②-关键字③,网站的内页的话可以这样设置:产品标题-品牌词。
The title of the website is certainly attractive, can attract the user's attention, to the user left very deep impression, if things go on like this formed brand effect. In fact, luxuries Chinese website construction that write the title of the site is good, and many companies are wrote: brand. The key word - - the inside pages of the web site keywords, you can set the title: product brand.

The title of the words may be a number of each browser displays are different, so the general site title words to control within 30 words.

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