
Web Design
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Brand Design


Date:2013-09-10 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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The website construction should not only and search engines do "struggle", and competitors, the same keywords and a lot of people who want to do the home page, but how to let that be your own website? This is to learn to analyze competitor's Web site, we should analyze the opponent's content from what?


Our competitors is the most important in the keywords ranking competition, so the face of the same industry competitors to see how he was the choice of keywords, marketing type website construction how to layout the keywords, site keywords layout corresponding reasonable ranking is very important.

二、网站规模(The scale of website)

Large scale, regular site will be Baidu's favorite, if a competitor's site is large in scale, strength, content rich website, we should constantly enrich their own content, perhaps in a short period of time to achieve scale expansion, but the content do good will also attract traffic.


See the opponent every update and included, at the same time, determine the update speed and number of their own, do not fall behind.


A snapshot of the site is search engine on the web like a reflection degree, we can through the opponent's snapshot update, estimation of their situation, and whether it has the strength to transcend competitors.

五、外链(The chain)

The domain command query to see the chain opponent what, can find themselves no coverage of the platform, so as to improve their strength.

Finally, hope that the webmaster through the analysis of the competition of Langfang website construction own do it better, can have better ranking.

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