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Date:2013-08-01 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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做搜索引擎优化,不仅仅是做网站的站外优化,更为重要的是网站的站内优化,内涵大于外表,一个网站要想有一个好的排名,那么这个网站的站内优化一定要完善,那今天😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国SEO网站优化就给大家来讲讲网站的站内优化都有哪些方面:
Do search engine optimization, not only do stand outside the optimization, it is more important for the station site optimization, meaning more than appearance, a website in order to have a good rankings, so in the station optimization of the site must be improved, that today luxuries Chinese SEO website optimization for everyone to talk about in the station optimization the website have what:

Station site optimization is the most basic web site code: code format is best to use DIV+CSS, meet the marketing type website construction website, remove redundant code, even if not up to the W3C standard, also want to do the site code tidy, don't put the code out of the mess seven upside down, the search engine to see is the code! As a webmaster, want to know if the site redundant code to remove immediately to know: redundant code has a great influence on the spider crawling, web content included!

The long tail word site optimization: our website content increasing, we should always pay attention to the establishment of the long tail word website, website content also means that the long tail words, then in the future they will have a long tail word, a table is to build what we need to do, to name these long tail word and link with the EXCEL form recorded, we do this form is designed to facilitate future key words on the website of the management, use the keyword SEO optimization process (such as: website internal links, website external chain)

SEO channel optimization: many people may not understand what is the SEO channel, I am here to explain: the SEO channel is to use a large number of pages, keyword links to the web sites of several other pages, each page advantage together to search engine, that is to do one or several pages, centralized sites other pages link on this page, this page we'll call SEO channel, SEO channel advantage, is the focus of all pages advantage combined on one page, so we just do this page ranking will make other pages to get the ranking, if your website there is a large amount of information. It is necessary to do a website for SEO channels, this will give you a lot!

The anchor text anchor text optimization: as we all know, the anchor text is text links, this text with the webpage content has a close relationship, so the anchor text of the advantage is the ability to clear property, a website in addition, anchor text can collect some search engine indexed content is not! For example, your web site set up to the search engines crawl but on the site or whether your website, this is the role of the anchor text, but the display in the search engine is the description of the site. There is, we can add anchor text links in the article content to other web pages when writing articles website, this website content to increase the compactness and the article page weight is very good, use the anchor text is also a great help to our standing outside optimization!

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