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Date:2013-06-06 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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从事 这个行业已有半年时间,相对大部分从事北京网站建设互联网工作的人,我还是新手。这里只是把自己的一些内链建设方面的心得跟大家分享下。大家听惯了一句话,内容为王, 外链为皇。也自然而然的认为,做 工作就是做好内容,做好外链,却很少去理会内链的建设。一开始我也是对内链不屑一顾,但从做好内链后发现自己完全错了。
Engaged in this industry for six months time, relative to most people who work in the Internet, I was a novice. Here only to share some construction within the chain's own experience with you. We heard a word, content is king, the chain for emperor. Also come very naturally think, work is good, do the chain, but seldom to notice within the chain of construction. At first I was a contemptuous disregard of the chain, but the chain in the well and found himself completely wrong.

3 point first talk about the inner chain I know:

To improve the user experience, improve the content structure. When the user is viewing an article for some proper nouns that do not understand, and you take a link, the user can click come very naturally go in to see what is the meaning of.

Activated not included page. We all know that spider is through hypertext links, when you in some key words with the relevant links page. The spider can be to another page via the link, thereby increasing the probability of pages are included.

Back to the right. There is a weight transfer between the webpage through chain, not only increase the link widely degrees, to good effect on ranking.

Several suggestions for construction of internal chain I talk about the following

Site navigation JS calls

很多人都听说搜索引擎对JS不友好,但是很多情况下,营销型网站建设用简单的JS导航都好的提高用户体验。而且ZAC“在如何隐藏内容也可 能成为 问题上也说过JS链接是可以被谷歌蜘蛛抓取的。所以如果能更好的提高用户体验,不必去忌讳使用JS导航。
Many people have heard of the search engine is not friendly to JS, but in many cases, a site with JS navigation simple are good for improving the user experience. And ZAC“ in the content how to hide can also become a problem also said JS link can be Google spiders crawl. So if we can better improve the user experience, do not have to abstain from using JS navigation.

Add the relevant channel content page

I think we all know, in the content page after a lot of people are going to click the relevant article or article of this type to another page, so that we can more clearly.

Control key link number

A number of links to articles if too much, will cause came into the phenomenon, let the reader. The number of total words here link according to the decision, of course, the same word a link. This link can refer to a specific Baidu Wikipedia practice, let the article is natural.

The use of the plugin


Label application

Many people will ignore this fact labels, tags can not only increase the keyword density, but also to build the good inside chain.

Certain words are linked to external

Don't save links to external, if an article a word link to Baidu encyclopedia. It will only make people feel that this article is more professional, more to be trusted. In some unconfirmed claims, can also increase the weight of the article.

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