
Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2013-01-31 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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省略页面计数器(Omit the page counter)

Page counter will destroy your design, give a person with unnecessary information, make your site look unprofessional. If you want to know the site click rate, requires the host service provider to provide statistics. Usually, he is willing to provide detailed statistical data.

不使用背景音乐(Do not use background music)

一些网页设计者喜欢使用背景音乐为网页创造氛围。这只会在一些特别的网页有效,比如说迪斯尼或MTV网站。然后,对大多数网页而言,背景音乐并非一 个好选择。第一,音乐文件相当大要花费时间去下载。一些访客并没有这么多时间来等待。另外,一些电脑没有声音。 因此,这对一些人而言并无意义,因为他们甚至不能欣赏。第二,任何突如其来的声音或者从电脑里出来的音乐都会让人非常烦躁。
Some webpage designers like to use background music to create the atmosphere for the webpage. This will only in some special webpage effectively, such as Disney or MTV site. Then, for the majority of webpage, the background music is not a good choice. First, the music file is about to take the time to download. Some of the visitors not to wait for so much time. In addition, some computer no sound. Therefore, this for some people has no meaning, because they can't even appreciate. Second, any come unexpectedly voice or out of the computer music can let a person very irritable.

If you want to be in your webpage into some music, will provide a allows visitors to switch to choose. The best way is to create a MP3 file, and then provide the link.

有一致的网页结构(A webpage structure consistent)

People like consistency, your webpage should also have such characteristics. Ensure that the navigation on all pages are consistent. For example, if you decide to put the navigation menu on the left side of the page, all pages should be.

避免自动弹出窗口(Avoid pop-up window)

A pop-up window is probably the most annoying you website function. Typically, a pop-up window for showing advertisements to users. You can put into the main page you want to transmit information, instead of using a pop-up window.

确保你的网页不超过60K(Make sure your webpage is not more than 60K)

Webpage size is the sum of pictures, text and multimedia content size. If you need more than 10 seconds to open a webpage, you may lose a lot of potential visitors. Although the network is faster and faster, but it's best to keep your webpage below 60k. When I'm in my blog, which is an important consideration.

不要把所有内容都居中(Don't put all center)

Centered text difficult to read. The best way is left aligned text. However, your title and subtitle can center.

除非有必要,不要重定向(Unless necessary, do not redirect)

Due to various reasons, some webpage designers use different ways to redirect visitors to other webpage. This will make people feel confused, will let the search engine complex. To turn to other webpage, you can create a link, and the link to add comments.
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