
Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2012-08-12 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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Construction e-commerce sites, must first define the purpose of Beijing website construction. E-commerce sites of the construction of the general purpose can be divided into in developing electronic commerce trade, and carry out the auction business, for the enterprise image construction, expand enterprise contact channel, as a trading middlemen, establish market trading places, and carry out the intermediary service, as a service website, the other application purpose, etc.

For e-commerce sites, it must be clear Beijing website construction target market where, target customers who is, why they will visit this site, whether visit again. Peeves really need or will need the product or service is what is, their interest is, how to create an interesting circle sensei customers, with the information provided by you or service let them benefit and so on. This will be the whole Beijing website construction design thought of all foundation, no matter what form the enterprise web site, provide what content, how packing, want to regard this as the starting point to consider.

Determine the purpose and the site customer group, the next step is to target refinement, architecture website content framework, mainly including e-commerce sites core contents, main information, service projects, etc. Determine the content framework, can draw the outline of the structure of the website. The purpose of the structure of the draw, on the one hand, easy to have logic to organize sites and links, but also beneficial to the website production personnel division of labor and cooperation, timely leakage searching men's shoes.
本文发布于北京网站建设公司😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国//

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