
Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2012-08-12 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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企业网站的功能主要表现在六个方面: 企业网站制作的功能主要表现在六个方面: 品牌形象、产品 服务展示 信息发布、网上销售、顾客服务、网上联盟。 服务展示、 品牌形象、产品/服务展示、信息发布、网上销售(SEO网站优化)、顾客服务、网上联盟。
Enterprise web site function mainly performance in six aspects: enterprise production site function mainly displays in six aspects: brand image, product service show information release, online marketing, customer service, online alliance. Service display, brand image, product/service show, information release, online sales (SEO website optimization), customer service, online alliance. 

品牌形象(Brand image)

网站的形象代表着企业的网上品牌形象, 人们在网上了解一个企业的主要方式就是访问该公司的网站, 网站建设的专业化与否直接影响企业的网络品牌形象, 同时也对网站的其他功能产生直接影响。
The image of the web site represents enterprise online brand image, people in the online understand a enterprise's main way is to visit the company's website, the website of the professional or not directly affect the enterprise network brand image, but also of the site's other functions have direct impact.

产品服务展示(Product service show)

产品/服务展示 产品 顾客访问网站的主要目的是为了对公司的产品和服务进行深入的了解, 企业网站的主要价值 也就在于灵活地向用户展示产品说明及图片甚至多媒体信息, 即使一个功能简单的网站至少 也相当于一本可以随时更新的产品宣传资料。
Product/service customer visit the web site show products of the main purpose is for the company's products and services for knowledge and understanding of the main value of enterprise web site is to flexibly to users product description and pictures and even the multimedia information, even if a function is simple web site at least equivalent to a can update products publicity material.

信息发布(Information release)

网站是一个信息载体,在法律许可的范围内,可以发布一切有利于企业形象、顾客服务 以及促进销售的企业新闻、产品信息、各种促销信息、招标信息、合作信息、人员招聘信息 等等。因此,拥有一个UEO营销型网站建设就相当于拥有一个强有力的宣传工具。
Web site is a carrier of information, in the legal permission range, can release all is helpful for that enterprise image, customer service and promote the sales of the enterprise news, product information, all kinds of promotion information, bidding information, cooperation information, personnel recruitment information, etc. So, having a UEO marketing type website construction is equivalent to have a strong propaganda tool.

网上销售(Online sales)

建立网站及开展一网络营销活动的目的之一是为了增加销售, 一个功能完善的网站本身就可 以完成订单确认、网上支付等电子商务功能,即网站本身就是一个销售渠道。
Building a website and in developing a network marketing activities of one of the aims is to increase sales, a perfect function site itself can be to complete the order confirmation, the online payment and other electronic business functions, namely web site itself is a sales channels.

网上联盟(Online alliance)

为了获得更好的网上推广效果,需要与供应商、经销商、客户网站、以及其他内容互补或者 相关的企业建立合作关系,没有网站,合作就无从谈起。 ??当一个企业在规划自己的网站是, 首先应明确建站的目的, 然后还要对网站功能需求进 行分析,网站的功能也决定了网站的规模和需要投入的资金。
In order to obtain better online promotion effect, needs and suppliers, dealers, customer website, and other content complementary or relevant enterprise establishes the cooperation relations, no website, cooperation cannot survive.  When a company in planning your web site is, should make clear above all the establishment of the purpose and then for website functions into line needs analysis, the functionality of the site also decided to web site size and need money spent.
本文发布于北京网站制作公司😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国//

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