
Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2012-08-12 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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First, we need to understand that Beijing website construction general process:

1、申请域名含域名备案 ;
1, application domain including domain name for the record;

2、申请 ;
2, apply for web site space;

3、定位网站 ;
3, positioning site;

4, analysis of site function and demand (web site planning)

5、网站风格设计 ;
5, web site design style;

6, website code production;

7, testing the site;

8、FTP 上传网站;
8, FTP upload sites;

9, perfect the material;

10, website maintenance.

And then we come to the website of the marketing type the general steps:

Marketing website construction hair scheme

网站建设包括:网站策划、网页设计、网站功能、网站内容整理、网站推广、网站评估、网站运营、SEO网站优化UEO营销型网站建设的目的是通过网站达到开展网上营销,实现电子商务的目的。网站建设首先由网络营销顾问提出低成本回报的网络营销策划方案。通过洞悉项目目标客群的网络营销策略,引发、借力企业与网民,以至网民与网民之间的互动,使企业以最小的营销投入,超越竞争对手 获得更高效的市场回报。
Website construction including: web site planning, web design, web function, website content arrangement, website promotion, web site evaluation, website operation, SEO website optimization. UEO marketing type website construction purpose is to carry out online marketing through the website, achieve the purpose of electronic commerce. Website construction first by the network marketing advisers low cost of network marketing planning scheme returns. Through the insight project target customers network marketing strategy, cause, borrows the enterprise and Internet users, and Internet users and the interaction between Internet users, make enterprise with minimum of the marketing input, beyond competitors get more efficient market returns.

Marketing, website planning

Website preliminary planning as the starting point of the network marketing, planning of preciseness, practical will directly affect the enterprise network marketing goal realization. Website construction contractor to the customer's needs and the network marketing as the guidance, combined with their own professional planning experience, assist different type enterprise, and to meet different phases of the enterprise strategic target and tactics based on the requirements for enterprise to develop regular web site planning scheme.

Marketing type website construction implementation

Relying on their own years of website construction, development experience, for the enterprise internal, between the enterprise and its external build good information communication between the bridge, based on the previous planning, set up the user experience on the website as the core of the website information organization, personalized website visual design, custom-made site function definition and development, highly effective website system integration.
The last is website promotion plan formulation and implementation

Website whether we can achieve the goal of expected marketing business, in addition to the rigorous web programming, perfect website construction, but also depends on the website promotion plan carefully formulated and implemented. Relying on their own years of website promotion and search engine optimization experience, help customers make full use of the advantages of the Internet, through the combination of various web promotion strategy, so as to get more business opportunities.

Marketing website construction is actually a lot of enterprise network marketing is the main way, take this one point, can magnify the many network marketing is the way, because marketing type sites need to fusion many excellent network marketing, network promotion way, in other words, the enterprise web marketing need to integrate the thinking of network marketing, integrated quality resources and skills, the manufacture best enterprise marketing type website.
本文发布于北京网站建设公司😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国//

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