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Date:2012-07-23 Aource:😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国 Type:网站百科
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Many people want to start building a website will be desperate to hurry up to the website, but ignore the web site set up the how a key words, to complete the construction site after site optimization to do work, then just on the analysis of how the setting of a key words is appropriate. The site selection of key words in time is very important, for beginners to have no contact with website optimization of people friends, it may directly to the site keywords set to the name of the company or like the text, this is very improper methods, because when you set key, if the word the heat, ranking will be difficult to make heat small, maybe not you want to key words, so in the website construction completed the keywords or web site set up quite important.

Do website optimization webmaster friends know website optimization process long tail keywords is also very important, a web site traffic from most of the long tail keywords up. We can through the key words on the web tools analysis keywords study, with the flow analysis tool to analyze the source of the flow, find some Internet users often search of some of the long tail of keywords. Then according to these keywords perform site targeted promotion of, so that can be brought to web site traffic, also can bring to the website real results. After all, bring the company website optimization of the actual benefit is the most important.

其实我们可以对网站的几个关键词进行分析,然后可以根据这些关键词来分析下竞争对手。看看竞争对手是怎样做网站优化的,通过别人的方法来完善自己,正如:取人之长,补己之短嘛。在网站建设或者网站优化的时候,学着吸取别人的优点所在,抛弃他们的不足。以上这些就是😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国SEO总结为什么要在建站之初对网站关键词分析选取的原因,如果在网站建设的初期阶段就做好了网站的关键词研究,那么可以对网站后期优化的工作有着很大的帮助。
In fact we can of the site's several key words for analysis, and then can according to these keywords to analysis of competition. Look at the competition is how to do web site optimization, through the methods of other people to the improvement of yourself, as: take one long, fill yourself short life. In the website construction or website optimization, learn to draw the advantage of others is in, the shortage of abandon them. These are still product China SEO why in site summary at the beginning of the web site of the selection of key words analysis reasons, if in the early stages of the website construction is ready to site keywords research, so can the optimization of the late on a web site has a lot of help.
本文发布于北京网站建设公司😘必一运动·(B-sports)官方网站 中国//

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